



According to Jewish Law, therapeutic abortions –namely, abortions performed to save the mothers life – are not only permissible, but also mandatory. The stage of pregnancy does not matter. Abortion for reasons of convenience or economics is clearly prohibited. If previous children have been born defective that does not mean other, new, children have a lessend chance to be perfectly normal, hence the Halakha prohibits abortions in that instance. This applies from conception onwards.

While a fetus is not considered a "living soul" until birth, it does have the status of "potential life", its destruction is a serious offense. Opinions amongst rabbinical authorities differ regarding instances when there is a strong possibility that the child will be born deformed, or is a product of incest, or other problems that may gravely affect the emotional well being of the mother and the rest of the family. Permissive rulings in such instances can be found by diverse Orthodox rabbinical authorities –before the fortieth day and in other instances up to three months of pregnancy. Opinions in this area go from the stricter view of today's Chief Rabbi of Israel, Isaac Unterman to the more intelligent view of the late Halakhic authority Yehiel Yacob Weinberg (see Sidrei Eish, Vol. 3:127, and Noam Vols. 6,7, and 9).


The life of the mother, Jews believe, is more important than that of a child not yet born, both to her husband and to any other children she might have. The most important consideration regarding abortion and birth control, according to the Reform movement is: what is the best for the entire family? It is their opinion that, the sanctity of marriage is not in reproduction. It is in the bond that exists between husband, wife and the children they want and love.


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